just for you cycling twittersphere I'll shortly translate the main points from my article about the interests of Froome joining Israel Start-Up Nation https://twitter.com/EyalFidel/status/1277479143622479873?s=19
considering Froome's interests:

Froome has achieved everything he could in the sport, other than winning the fifth Tour de France.

imo the main question that should be asked about him is - does he still believe he is able to win the Tour?
if he still believes so, he must compete this year for the win, and not wait to be 36 next year.

he must be in a strong team that can support him, that's his way of winning.
as i see it his options are either stay with Ineos and share the lead with Bernal and Thomas, or move to a team that is strong enough and willing to accept him as their leader for this year's Tour.
i only see Bahrain McLaren or Trek Segafredo as the options other than Ineos, they can offer enough support and they can use a GC leader for the Tour ( #FreeLanda).
if Froome doesn't believe he is capable of winning the fifth Tour, then i see three options:
• retiring at the end of the year
• adapting a smaller role within Ineos, and maybe DS or management role later
• "active retirement"
active retirement is enjoying a huge salary in any team that would accept him, and that's where Israel Start-Up Nation step in the picture.
2020 should've been, and should still be, a transition and adaption year for the team. their squad is built on unfitting fragments from the old Katusha squad, old ICA squad, and the late weird additions.

this team isn't built for a TDF GC run.
however, since Sylvan Adams joined the team, the sporting aspect isn't the only aspect in the management's mind.

it might not be known too much outside Israel, but it's clear from here - Adams is using the team for self promotion.
in the recent years Sylvan Adams is doing a lot (and spending a lot) to gain appreciation and media coverage, here is a partial list:

• donated millions do secure the Giro Grand Depart in 2018 (some money went directly to Froome...).
• donated around 40M Shekels (~10M€) for the Tel Aviv Velodrome (named after him).
• donated money to the Tel Aviv Judo Grand Prix.
• supporting the Israeli national Baseball team (team of Jewish americans mostly, I'm not sure it's even a professional sport here).
• donating to SpaceIL's plan to land an Israeli spacecraft on the moon (crashed during the landing).
• donating millions to secure the friendly Uruguay-Argentina football game in Israel.
• paying some millions to have Madonna performing in the Tel Aviv Eurovision.
• made some deal with a Formula1 team to have his banner on their cars and to have an Israeli driver in their team.

• donating 15M$ to found the "Sylvan Adams sports institute" with Tel Aviv University.
Adams will do everything for some advertising. matching Froome's INEOS salary is nothing for him. i can already see the headlines:
"greatest cyclist of all time joins Israel"
"Froome has a chance to win the Tour"
"Adams: 'i will bring the trophy to Jerusalem'".
and the ever returning "Adams is trying to bring the Tour de France to Israel". 🤦🏻‍♂️

TL;DR - it's all about Sylvan Adams' ego.
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