A simple, uncomplicated shot here, but one that I like a lot. Taken last week at the Neolithic Meayll stone circle. Sunset over the Irish sea during a warm spell in a week bookended with big storms. #WexMondays #fsprintmonday #sharemondays2020
Tedious, self indulgent thoughts to follow.... Recently I've been trying to think in a bit more detail about my photography. Both in terms of being self critical and also what I am trying to convey in my images. Hence the David Ward books, etc! If I conclude that....
....its basically just pretty pictures of the landscape, that's fine. But I think I am trying to capture my connection to a sense of wildness and a sense of timelessness in our slightly bruised and battered British landscape. Obviously there's nothing particularly original....
....about that, but it's a nice motivation for me (as is just getting out, obviously). And provides a way of helping to guide what I'm doing in a slightly more coherent way. Anyway, normally this I am doing this through the geology and geography of mountains and coasts....
.....however, in this instance I've been able to use another thing I'm really passionate about - prehistory. I can just imagine people sitting here 5000 years ago, through storms (I'd prefer a stormy shot) as well as sunsets, looking out to the ocean beyond....
.....as well as the Mourne mountains, which you can just see on the horizon. So that's why I like this photo so much, even though its basically just a picture of a stone circle with a fairly decent sunset. If you have made it this far through the thread, congratulations!
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