📚Resources I found useful during my pre-reg year, a thread. (For context I work in hospital - list not exhaustive!)
📱The BNF - yes its your best friend during uni but don’t rely on it too heavily, its often a good place to start but you’ll likely need to use other resources too
📈SPCs (on eMC)- more detailed than the BNF, I have found the pharmacokinetics sections particularly useful (yep - listen up in those PK lectures - turns out you may actually need to know how many half-lives it takes drug X to get to steady state!)
💊Renal drug database - I use this multiple times a day to check suitability/doses of drugs in patients with renal impairment. It also has info on dosing in renal replacement therapies(helpful in your ICU rotation). (Ask your Medicines Information department for login details).
🧫Micro guide app - your antimicrobials bible! Trust antimicrobial guidelines are uploaded here. Also helpful information around dosing / monitoring of gentamicin, vancomycin Teicoplanin (often poorly prescribed / monitored - double check every time!)
👶LactMed app - drugs in breastfeeding
🤰BUMPs website - best use of medicines in pregnancy
💉Medusa - information around preparation and administration of injectable medicines. Helpful for answering nurse queries around compatibilities amongst other things.
⚕️Handbook of peri-operative medicine website - handy for working on surgical wards & advising around medications to stop pre-surgery, & when to restart.
💻SPS website - brilliant detailed information around specific queries. Super useful in my MI rotation as well as on wards.
🩹British Red Cross First Aid app - because you never know what you may have to deal with and that first aid course may seem a long time ago…!
I think I’ll stop there - please add your favourite resources below! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
You can follow @RebekahVerheul.
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