A lot has been made of some of the tactical things going on with Mikel Artetas Arsenal recently. You’ve seen Arsenal build in a back 3 against Brighton, Southampton and Sheffield(FA Cup). All of these teams press with 2 strikers.
A common positional play principal is to have a numbers advantage against the first line. (3v2), (2v1), (4v3). I believe that is why you are seeing these 3 back systems. Arsenal actually were doing this pre lockdown. Just solving it differently
Sheffield game in the premier league. Xhaka dropped into to form the three that game.
Sokratis signals Saka here to form the three against Bournemouth’s 2 Forwards.
Against Newcastle 2v1
What I’m getting at is this is something that has been there and something I think we will continue to see. Norwich usually only press with 1 forward so it will be interesting to see if Wednesday’s game is different.
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