twitter is cursed because people go “you can have Basic Empathy when you’re 13; people saying they went through an anti-sjw phase are lying and anyway don’t expect marginalized people to teach you”
and like,
did people forget how much propaganda happened in the late 00s
there’s something to be said about how folks publicize their allyship esp if they were “anti-sjw” but we do need to discuss wth happened during those years
the concepts of “sjw” and “anti-sjw” have also shaped our discourses and i think most of us are still not out of it
a lot of us including myself fell into the propaganda traps because we did “empathize” with arguments like both sides-ism, feminists are scary and ruining our games, and shit like that
it isn’t that we lack empathy but right wing people steered our empathy to the wrong things
people, esp when they are younger, are susceptible to disinfo campaigns and it’s difficult to know Shit when you trust schools, your family, and friends before you become more independent
if you didn’t fall into an “anti-sjw” phase, you must have fell into something at least
there is no way anyone who lives under this imperialist oppressive world is free from any form of oppressor rhetoric
congratulating yourself for avoiding a certain subset of propaganda at the age of 13 means you haven’t realized how much the system has indoctrinated you
i want people to understand there is no such thing as “basic empathy” used today
we are all fucked and we’ve been consuming propaganda as a kid
do people here remember the tweet about paw patrol being copaganda? it may be funny but it’s part of a project to make cops look nice
the issue today is in fact to create media that let us empathize with people who are marginalized
letting the right wing control who we empathize because “we lack empathy” is the worst fucking idea
and no, marginalized people don’t have to teach because that’s a job for all of us
if you’re young and don’t understand how my generation was screwed over by it, that’s fine
you’ve become savvier and i hope your internet life is not as troubling as we have
just know you’re not immune to propaganda too and there will always be subtle networks of it affecting you
and yes, all of this shit is connected to how we see justice
this is why we need to abandon the “sjw vs anti-sjw” mindset and ask ourselves what justice is
because we’re working under a punitive justice mindset and assume there’s Good vs Bad right now
p.s. you can always read your old social media posts to see how much you regurgitate propaganda
hell, you don’t even need to go that far into when you’re 13
you can read something last year and go “holy shit i thought like that how the fuck was i this ignorant”
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