One of the biggest scams in history is the concept and implementation of so called "Public Health".

Vaccines are actually a sub-scam falling under the greater umbrella of the great public health scam.

Read this thread on the rational behind public health.
There is no such thing as collective health. Only individual health.

The concept of collective (or public) health is an abstract idea. It is not tangible and can be no greater than the sum of its parts, which are the individuals within a given population.
However, by grouping you into this collective, society can rationalize away individual sacrifices.

These sacrifices often manifest in the form of sacrificial killings carried out in the name of the so called "Greater Good".
Belief in "public health" is the result of ideological subversion, which is cleverly leveraged to control the masses.

The opposite of individualism is collectivism.

Mechanisms that perpetuate public health within society depend heavily upon a weighted bias towards collectivism.
When individuals can be convinced that other individuals (known as the collective) hold greater importance, those individuals can then be persuaded to make decisions at their own expense, because they believe the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
One dirty tactic employed by public health officials, is attempting to convince individuals that the health of others magically relies upon ones own health status.

Through clever indoctrination and brainwashing, individuals, and thus populations, are easily controlled.
The individual's God given rights are eroded over time and individual health is diminished thanks to this cleverly disguised and very elaborate scam.

Ironically, this results in a sicker, not healthier population, and ultimately has the opposite overall effect.
If you really valued the net effects of individual health from a population based perspective, you should be thanking plumbers, not public health officials and their absurd logical fallacies.
But furthermore, public health must be recognized as the ultimate form of discrimination against the largest group of minorities to ever exist upon this Earth.

("The Individuals")
The number one rule in public health is to always discriminate viciously against the individual, in favor of all other individuals that are simply not being singled out at that given moment.
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