singaporeans are always so... in a hurry it's so funny AHAHSNSHHNAHA or maybe its cos I make a laugh out of everything
when I'm alone i looove to people watch because its bloody entertaining ok cos u see people's antics AHHAAH.
for example, at mrt platform everyone using phone then a train approaches. but it's a do not board train -
and one sotong using the phone stands up and goes towards the train. AND THEN YOULL SEE LIKE 10 OTHER PPL BLINDLY STANDING AND FOLLOWING THAT FELLA AHAHSNABBANCBSHAHA
then I'll just sit there + thank god for masks now because I'll just lose my shit and laugh
so when the train stops and doesnt open it's doors for like 10secs, each person who stood up will slowly look up and realise what's up. and istg the reactions are bloody funny
and so many more funny occurrences HAHA.
this trait of observing people is inherited from my english teacher. he's always making a laugh of everything, that it makes me realise that u gotta smtimes just laugh at life.
ok that's all folks enjoy observing but dont stare later fight
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