1. Irony of it all is that when caught, their Chief Architect William Ruto keeps quiet as if nothing is happening. Ruto denied knowing Waluke. He also said the only Rigathi Gachagua he knows is a PC? 2ndly, the younger thugs are in Twitter defending the old thugs
2. They dont share their theft proceedings with their younger thugs in Twitter. Twitter thugs only abuse as the older thugs eat. Waluke, Didmus Baraza are western representatives. Sylvanus Osoro is Kisii representative. Rigathi Gachagua & Ngunchiri are Central #TangaTangaThugs
3. On twitter, they are not real persons but ghost accounts sent to abuse President Uhuru Kenyatta, Rt. Hon. @RailaOdinga & Super CS @FredMatiangi .They abuse @HEBabuOwino anyday after getting monthly pay on a non-existent issue of DJ Evolve. 40 days are here #TangaTangaThugs
4. The group has VERY FEW WOMEN dubbed Inua Mama whose work is to pose for photos and selfies. They have no meaningful agenda apart from masquerading for handouts in Sugoi Criminal Scene. Congratulations to six of them who are now pregnant & the group died. #TangaTangaThugs
5. Right now you may think Moses Kuria isnt an MP in Kenya, he's hiding in a toilet after looting Gatundu CDF. Kimani Ngunchiri is silent after grabbing Ngong Forest. Rigathi Gachagua is silent after stealing 5.8 billion. Silence is their other name after theft. #TangaTangaThugs
6. Before he vies for President, William Ruto must return all the corruption proceedings he has stolen over the years DIRECTLY using his name & family members or INDIRECTLY using his cronies in the name of MPs, Friends, Busibess associates from PUBLIC COFFERS. #TangaTangaThugs
7. They have THEFT LAWYERS i.e. Kipchumba Murkomen & the Grand Mullar whose work is to sanitize the thugs once brought in court. They are not powerful but also steal from the thiefs brought to court & dont help! The lawyers only shout at pressers outside court. #TangaTangaThugs
8. Susan Kihika holds dual citizenship; Kenya & USA. This is defiling the constitution! She was deported from USA after a fraud of 64 million with her husband Mburu who was arrested at the Embassy. When I saw her shout democracy at the Senate, I was shocked! #TangaTangaThugs
9. Step 1; once a thief is cornered in Nyeri, ie. Rigathi Gachagua.
Step 2; Sugoi Chief Thief identifies a ghost project to launch in Nyeri.
Step 3; Other thieves ie. Kuria converge in Nyeri
Step 4; younger thugs turn to social media to defend the bigger thug.

10. PR Experts. Just like Ruto started a PR exercise to pretend to help 5,000 youths in Nairobi, his MPs Sylvanus Osoro started a PR exercise to distribute broken buckets having cooking oil leftovers inside 4 locals to wash hands. How can u wash hands with oil? #TangaTangaThugs
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