so I'm talking to my friend Saleem today and he says "I was watching Netflix and I saw this thing: The American Bible challenge. Are you familiar with this?" and I was like dude, my entire youth was the American Bible Challenge
I am now watching the American Bible Challenge
you can blame @Seemo for this
thus far all i can tell is the team of evangelicals compete for money for a chosen charity, and it's hosted by Jeff Foxworthy. within the first 3 minutes, Jeff has made a "you might be redneck" joke and the contestants were delighted and clapped
This is gonna be great
jeff introduces the first category with "imagine if biblical characters had access to twitter"
These are baby questions. This is a joke of a quiz
There's a choir that is singing a pop rendition of Leaning On The Everlasting Arms. Night Of The Hunter fans will enjoy
There's an entire category about Tim Tebow and the verses he wrote under his eyes while playing football.
i have known the answer to every question thus far. i would dominate these fools
Twitter I assume you all know these verses by heart
I bet this is a difficult question for scrubs who weren't made to learn this entire chapter as a song in 4th grade
You wouldn't assume so but these guys are utterly bombing an entry level Bible quiz
I'm shouting out the answers before the contestants do. And yet I am winning nothing
it's GATH. Gath you poseurs. IT's GATH
they said Goliath was from "Gad". unbelievable
this one guy pronounced Philemon as "Fill-uh-mun"
this thread is like illegible for people who weren't raised evangelical
i appreciate all people in my replies saying "what even is that bible fact i was raised catholic"
ye papists following me knoweth not the scriptures, but the time hath not come to completion that thou art prepared for this conversation
contestant: uh.... uh.... pass

me: consider the ANT! consider the ANT THOU FUCKING SLUGGARD!!
foaming and cursing at the bible game show contestants
This current episode of American Bible Challenge features a team of christian rappers and a team of who do feats of strength for assemblies of children to teach them about the gospel and not doing drugs presumably
American Bible Challenge is a look into my life if it had taken some very different turns
current American Bible Challenge category is Song of Solomon focused. for the uninitiated, Song of Solomon (or Song of Songs) is an entire book dedicated to being just incredibly horny but in a godly manner
I'm losing it
Lol whaaat
admittedly I'm not as up on the gospel music industry as I once was but I assumed Kirk would have better things to do
behold christendom
preachin divas, chris, nuns
chris is, appropriately, a triune being
there is now Jeff/Kirk banter
In this season they have introduced physical challenges.
The nuns got three for three in the fork challenge
I'm in hell
leigh you are the donkey whose mouth the angel did shut
The nuns are gonna smoke these guys
the nuns easily took it but they also missed the lions question. these people know not the LORD
oh hell yeah
This season the showrunners realized that other people besides evangelicals are familiar with the Bible
Jeff!! Stop now!!
the quality of kirk franklin's game show choir is head and shoulders above anything else on display here
they're playing beer pong now
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