I have Matt blocked because I can't deal with his shitty takes on my timeline.

That said this take is so incredibly bad. If you were on Twitter in late February/early March and actually followed experts you were stocking up on food and starting to socially isolate. https://twitter.com/mattyglesias/status/1277234902606454784
My favorite thing is watching Gregg Gonsalves go off on people so I'm linking to that here. But epidemiology is NOT my beat and I started stocking up on food the week of February 17th. I was not prescient at all. I was just listening. https://twitter.com/gregggonsalves/status/1277328799277998081?s=20
In March when the MTA "encouraged" people to avoid crowded trains, I realized that meant hanging on crowded platforms and kept my ass home. My job announced WFH roughly 4 days before NYC shut down.
When Broadway dropped its tickets to 50 bucks and people were going on about how they were going to see ALL OF THE SHOWS I was on here yelling at people on here that the tickets were 50 bucks because they were trying to get you to do something that could kill you.
I was the one yelling people in travel channels that they needed to keep their asses at home because they were going to be vectors of a disease.


Politicians didn't listen and that's why we're fucked.
If the epidemiologists were all wrong than lots of countries would not have contained the virus. The existence of countries that have suggests that the science isn't the fucking problem here.
This feels like an appropriate way to end this thread https://twitter.com/KendraWrites/status/1277438470177402881?s=20
Also receipts: https://twitter.com/KendraWrites/status/1237362239491002368
You can follow @KendraWrites.
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