1. Whatever skills that brought you to limelight will fade some day but the positive impact you had/have on people, your legacy will live on. People one day will stop talking about Angelina Jolies movie's but her humanitarian deeds will outlive her. When @funkeakindele came on https://twitter.com/jenifasdiary/status/1276646610408296449
2. scene as the first (to me) celeb to partner with @NCDCgov in the fight against covid-19, we praised her. We needed lots of our celebs helping in creating awareness unlike some idiots who who called it a scam, some even went as far as doing prank calls with the emergency number
3. Then she goofed with the birthday party. She was condemned for it & as usual idiots saw it as people wanting her to fall. There are people who you expect to know better & when they goof, you call them out. This video she has done with a soldier might look like nothing but this
4. is how 'stars do it', inspire & encourage! How do you think people get to become things like UN ambassador or advocates for something good? When the hushpuppi drama broke, one would expect our celebs & the skit makers to do short videos highlighting the dangers of fraud but
5. what did we get instead? @DaddyFRZ wriggling like an earthworm salt was poured on, @yemialadee insulting everyone who said fraud was bad. Many of us think fraud is an act where a Nigerian outsmarts a foreigner, what about those ones who call pretending to be local banks wiping
6. Out people's savings? So the foreign one is cool but the local isn't? Do you know how many people/families have been wrecked? A lady told a story how her dads account was cleaned out, he developed stroke & that sickness was what killed him. Not a single actor/musician or celeb
7. Has thought it wise to openly condemn it, the reason is simple; many do it, have fraudsters as friends & also help them to launder money. How many Nigerians will pay millions for a table to watch them perform? I hail @funkeakindele for doing her bit but we also know why many
8. many of them will rather stay silent against fraud. Whenever you become blessed to be a star/celeb, make sure
9. Your actions & words are seen to promote human welfare & social reforms. You should be seen as someone who will help/support people no matter their gender, religion, ethnicity etc. Whatever you do should be aimed at maintaining human dignity.
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