Good night Patriots

This is Part 9 of Extraterrestrials

We finished up last night talking about demons.

There is quite a bit of scholarly debate over what exactly a demon is.

I am reasonably sure most scholars have never been subjected to demonic attacks.

Why do I say that?
If they had, then they would not be quite so insistent that they are not the product of the fallen ones.

Sun Tzu believes that in order to beat your enemy one must know them.

My mind is very tactical by nature. Another of my gifts from God. One of many in fact.
Hence, I agree with Sun Tzu.

So it is important that we explore their nature. Why? Because it is our duty as Christian's in support of Yeshua to defeat evil wherever we encounter it.

We must step up to the occasion.

In order to understand demons, we must first understand
what caused Angel's to leave Gods realm and come to earth.

To be blunt, they were smitten by the beauty of our women. They lusted after them.

They became hooked on sex.

Remember this as we move forward. This is one of their primary motivations for being here.
The other motivation of course was to have dominion over mankind.

Read this two points again and digest the importance of this disclosure.

When we look around today what is the primary motive for evil? Sex

The Jeffrey Epsteins of the world use sex addiction as a way to control
their subjects.

All the 3 letter agencies use that same tactic and blackmail to gain access to sensitive information.

It is a tactic used by spies.

Enough of that subject for now.

What is the product of sex?

Children of course. When you look at fallen Angel's, the offspring
from them are evil entities. Giants in fact. Read the Book of Enoch for more reading material on that subject.

But what about the other classes of Angel's that also fell? What would they produce? Demons.

Do they all possess similar abilities. The short answer is no.
Demons also copulate with humans.

Hence the rise of an extremely evil component of the human population. They are not pure human obviously, but human enough to sufficiently fool us.

I'll use three examples to underscore my point.

They are evil humans. Beyond the pale evil in fact.

There are many others that you would automatically add to the list as suspects, if nothing else.

Madonna for example.

Demons also have the ability to simply possess human bodies.

Thus the need for exorcism

Yeshua exorcised
demons. That fact is proof enough that they exist.

So now that we know more about demons what is their function?

They are after you. They want to literally destroy or even better yet, convert any human who belong to Christ.

They will destroy you by any means available
to them. Conversion though is their primary goal. Why? Because the dead in Christ will rise again and live with God in heaven.

The converted will not automatically have that choice. That too is the subject matter for another day.

I am covering a lot of ground quickly.
Hopefully not so quickly that you cannot digest it all.

So how do we recognize humans who are possessed?

Here is a short list of their attributes.

1. The are insanely articulate
2. Their eyes and hollow and blank
3. They possess quick minds
4. They have a controlling attitude
5. They are often very nasty individuals
6. They do not worship our God
7. They are often power seekers
8. They hate what we love
9. They seek perverse sexual pleasures
10. The elite are obsessed with their looks
11. The foot soldiers are comptemtous of society and their
dress and hair reflect that contempt.
12. They perform evil acts openly
13. Foot soldiers are often socialists and anarchists
14. They have contempt for human history
15. They hate our ability to repel them with force

I could go on and on. You can probably see the emerging
pattern. In conclusion of this part of the series I will again, give you some good news.

Unless they repent and are found worthy, they will not be present in heaven with us.

They will go through the Tribulation period.

I hope you are gaining some useful information from this

This work is exacting a bit of a toll on me.

It's not a great burden mind you.

Laying this all out for you in some semblance of order, makes me very weary.

Remember God loves you


Look for Part 10 tomorrow night

Have a great evening my brothers and sisters.

There is an old adage. The eyes are the window to the soul.

Keep that in mind if you run across people with eyes like Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff.

You will immediately know that you are in the presence of a dark and powerful force.

I will write more on this subject
tomorrow night.

Stay tuned as we head into some territory that is closely guarded. This series will likely garner some unwanted attention for me in particular.

The enemy's foot soldiers want to know who I am and where I am.

The forces of evil can only feel my presence.
Why? Because God and the Holy Spirit are shielding me from them.

I still have a job to do.

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