Lawlessness aided, abetted, and indulged by Democratic lawmakers, Mayors, and Governors. No actions taken to protect innocent civilians simply driving down the road from violence, vandalism, and property destruction. Their cowardice - and selfishness - is literally getting...
...their constituents beaten and bloodied by violent mobs demanding subservience and free license to vandalize, terrorize, loot, burn, and destroy. And these politicians are giving it to them - because they're afraid that standing up to them would upset THIS group of...
...constituents - the lawless, violent group that's demanding everyone else bend the knee to their will, then punching them in the mouth as they kneel before them. It's a concept as old as time: Abiding aberrant behavior without consequence is to willfully perpetuate...
...aberrant behavior. The failure of state and municipal leadership to honor their most fundamental duty - to protect their citizens - is stunning. Unprecedented dereliction from coast to coast, and it'll only end when the federal government steps in and big foots the appeasers.
Which will then become a story of @realDonaldTrump exercising his racist inclinations. We're living the era of cowardice and appeasement - it will end with our country more divided than it began, and it's a crying shame that those who can stop it do nothing.
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