1. Every Democrat knows what happened to George Floyd had nothing to do with Donald Trump.
Every single level of Minneapolis politics, right down to the police chief is completely controlled by Democrats.
2. In fact Democrats have been hard at work lowering training requirements, psychometric testing, and overall hiring standards for police officers in Minneapolis for quite some time now.
3. Recall that Noor Muhammad, the Somali cop who shot an Australian woman was the beneficiary of this change in training as a means of increasing "diversity"
Multiple red flags in his case went completely ignored. https://twitter.com/rising_serpent/status/1116919172112506880?s=19
4. 4. Not only was his training fast-tracked because theyfelt having a Somali cop was some sort of urgency, his psychometric testing and psychological evaluation raised potential concerns which were ignored.
Did you hear a single black lives matter activist talk about this?
5. Isn't it ironic how the people calling for better training and defunding the police are actually the ones entirely responsible for making them poorly trained, even more ironically they did it in pursuit of the same social justice that gave us black lives matter.
6. I mean they literally pushed out a poorly trained cop only because he was a black Somali Muslim and when he went on to murder an unarmed innocent woman, not a single politician expressed so much as even perfunctory indignation.
How many of you actually knew the backstory?
7. There's nothing apolitical about BLM, it is a hyperpartisan militant arm of the Democrat party, just like Antifa is, funded by and in turn funds purely Democrat causes
They're connected to CAIR and unsurprisingly express increasingly anti-semitic views
8. Using race and identity politics to propel agenda and propaganda was practically invented by Marxists.
Turns out the founders of BLM are actual Marxists, and said so themselves.
There are no coincidences.
9. If you're still trying to figure out how any of this became the fault of Donald J Trump, the explanation is really simple.
It's because he won the election, and they lost. Consequently everything they have done, broken, burned, destroyed and killed is his fault.
10. The same way the people who colluded with foreign assets in the UK, Ukraine, Russia and Australia and blamed Trump for colluding with Russia, the same way they impeached Trump for something that Joe Biden did, and has admitted on video, multiple times.
11. This is all about politics. They know that we know, but they also know that the best way to paralyze a Republican politician into complete inaction is to call them racist for something they didn't do.
It's quite brilliant really. It's also the oldest trick in the book.
12. Here's the interesting thing: the only guy standing up against them is the guy who has been accused of being a racist ever since he began running.
Meanwhile his entire party has gone weak kneed at just the prospect of being labeled one.
13. And the reason is because Trump is focused on one thing and one thing only: American people. The rest of them are focused only on their political office.
Because everyone wants to leave office richer when they came in, except Trump.
14. While it is infuriating watching the country burn and racial division and hatred take root in the face of impotent inaction, there's one guy standing on the side of common sense, decency and the great American Republic. And he's not a politician, he's the president.
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