For those who don't know, this is the Arch of Titus, which stands in Rome today. It celebrates the ransacking and destruction of our Temple and the killing and enslavement of thousands of our people. Yet it's still up in Rome today, without massive protests to bring it down.
Thing is, I personally don't want it to come down. The reason why is captured in the following the story.
One of the great Jewish sages of the 20th Century (I forgot which one) was once in Rome. He insisted on going to the Arch even though he had a tight schedule.
When he gets to the Arch he exclaims in Yiddish "Titus, I am here!" He gets back in his car and continues his day.
This Sage of ours was emphasizing the point that despite Titus's best efforts the Jewish people are still around, close to 2000 years later.
Where is the Roman Empire? Gone. Where is the Spanish Kingdom of Ferdinand and Isabella? Gone. Where is the Kingdom of Richard the Lionheart or the Sultans of the Ottomans? Gone. Where's Hitler and the Third Reich? Gone.
Yet the Jewish people are still here and every monument and rememberance to these murderous anti Semites is a reminder of how we are still here as the same people, who now finally have jurisdiction over our homeland and their kingdoms are gone.
What's funny is @Cantguardmike is bringing up an imaginary memorial to Hitler. He however doesn't even know that Mercedes Benz Stadium where the Saints play is in effect a "memorial" to Hitler.
To be clear, my opinion is what is done is done. I wish all the collaborators faced justice, they didn't. The companies nowadays are not what they were and it's their shame to live with, if they have any.
My point is @Cantguardmike, it is extremely arrogant and ignorant that Jews today still don't see reminders of their suffering today. So before you try making a point by comparing your suffering to others, maybe do a little research.
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