1. Imagine if you were able to walk into your enemy's country and just start building guns and tanks and all sorts of weaponry

And then also BUY your enemy's weapons until all the weapons inside your enemy's land were in your possession
2. That's exactly what the Js have done with the PROPAGANDA weapons

They just walked into our countries and built/took over all the propaganda weaponry

And now they have a total monopoly on the means to spread propaganda lol
3. Of course we let them do it because we never properly saw/understood propaganda/information as a weapon

But they did understand

Because they are a tribe of liars and merchants and schemers and subversives and propagandists and brainwashers by nature
4. So now we are being propagandized by hostile enemies from within

They're just shooting hostile propaganda at us 24/7

And we have no means to fight back against their hostile propaganda because we let them hoard and take control of all the media
5. It's hilarious actually

It's literally as if you let your enemies walk inside your country and just grab all the weapons and then begin shooting at you

And you have no means to fight back now lol
6. As mentioned in point 3. they have understood the power of propaganda as a weapon better than us

Which is why from day 1 as soon as they step foot inside our countries, fully aware of their hostile enemy nature, they started building and hoarding propaganda weaponry
7. And now your entire society is being brainwashed by an alien tribe of hostile desert people on a world-domination quest who happen to hate European civilization and want to see European people go extinct

Nice job retards
8. You're getting attacked full scale by an enemy nation from within whose planned coordinated goal is to make you GO EXTINCT

To wipe you out

And to take all your land and resources
9. And 99% of the population is totally unaware of what's going on

Because they think an attack by an enemy nation must involve physical weapons

And because in order to find out what's going on they turn on their TV, which is precisely the source of the problem
10. The last thing they will EVER hear on their TV or newspaper is an explanation of what's actually going on
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