A Thread:
Anarchy is used to tear down systems of limited government, the vacuum is filled by one of the many totalitarian-isms. A state of anarchy is a State of War. (i.e. Hobbes, Leviathan) Here "you" have to protect life, liberty and property. 1/6 https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2020/06/27/nycs-murder-rate-skyrockets-police-commissioner-says-system-is-collapsing/
2/6...Anarchy never lasts long, it acts as a transitional period during revolutions. If the insurrectionists succeed, it results in a different form of government. Ex: Constitutional Republic to Nazism/Communism/etc. Short primer on the basic forms of gov:
4/6... "What will help is when we send all the republicans to re-education camps."
5/6..."We will burn down this system."
6/6...If you do not believe that there is an ongoing organized attempt to fundamentally change America into a Communist state, I don't know what to tell you. All I can say is that the evidence has been there for decades and and we are now witnessing the militant phase.
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