The gap between the economic values of Conservative MPs and voters is really striking. From the @UKandEU report by @ProfTimBale @Aron_Cheung @philipjcowley @anandMenon1 & @DrAlanWager out today...
Bye bye May's Special Law of Curvilinear Disparity.
Also less surprising, but interesting, that MPs in general are more socially liberal than voters.
Though that seems to be mainly due to more liberal attitudes on criminal justice.
While we already knew that the electoral map had been redrawn in December 2019, this all raises an interesting question of how a party manages this sort of gap between its voters and elected representatives. If voters realign, will party elites eventually follow?
One obvious solution is to increase the salience of social values (where the gap between voters and elites is smaller) and look to dominate electoral competition there by moving to the right.
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