THREAD: A pending motion is Finaldi's request for a protective order & sanctions against MJ's side, for what he calls misconduct by Ms. MacIsaac during the deposition of Yoshi (Jolie Levine's son).

Finaldi filed this in 2017 after a disastrous deposition that I'll detail here...
For some background, please refer to my prior thread detailing Jolie Levine's deposition. Finaldi had subpoenaed her hoping she'd corroborate tabloid headlines and gossip from years prior, but instead she served as a fantastic advocate of MJ's innocence.
Finaldi's only recourse in Jolie's deposition—after she demolished his case—was to bring in Leroy Thomas' claims of destroying a photo of a nude Asian child (implying Joline's son).

Thomas failed a polygraph on Maury Povich show & in other stories said it was a white blond boy.
Even though Finaldi knew by the end of Jolie's deposition that neither she nor her son had negative things to say about MJ let alone believe he was a child molester, he still went forward with his deposition of Yoshi weeks later.

Yoshi vehemently opposed this waste of his life.
The drama between these parties began in the aggressive manner Finaldi served the subpoenas. This is common w/ many witnesses Finaldi goes after.

A: You mean, where your guy cut me off in the street, hopped out of his car & blocked me and my child in my car... F#ckin' dirt bag.
Yoshi was spiteful that Finaldi disrupted his entire routine and family life—including deposing his ill mother even knowing she wasn't well—all for what Yoshi called "an ambulance chaser...trying to dig up money."

Yoshi found Finaldi's questions of his private life aggravating.
Finaldi was hopeful Yoshi would say MJ paid for his solo flight to Europe & that he was isolated w/ MJ.

But Yoshi's mom paid for trip and he explained how he'd fall asleep in chef's room, and hung out w/ all of MJ's entourage including Chuckie, Brando, Bray like "a big family."
Yoshi remembered meeting James Safechuck "once or twice" during the MJ tour, which itself also dispels the myth that MJ would separate each boy.

Yoshi's recollection was that the Safechucks were "very star struck...James & his family."

He had minimal memory of them beyond that.
Finaldi's main objective in these depos is to blindly try to connect MJJ Productions to whatever he can, as a way to establish they are responsible.

It almost always backfires.

In another example, Finaldi asks if Yoshi's nannies worked for MJJ Productions (no, they did not.)
Soon, Finaldi attempts to bolster the deranged tales told for profit by Leroy Thomas (of the failed Hayvenhurst 5 scandal).

To start, Yoshi didn't recall that he ever stayed the night at Hayvenhurst or Neverland, or being in MJ's room, and remembered his mom had drove him there.
Finaldi again asks if Yoshi ever spent time "alone" with MJ anywhere. Yoshi didn't recall doing so beyond some shopping trips & one hilarious incident in Denver.

At the hotel, MJ lit up snake fireworks that a guard had brought, inside the room. "It shut the whole hotel down." 😆
Yoshi goes on to explain why MJ was so fun to hang out with.

"He was just a big kid. Lived carefree... I don't think he ever got a chance to grow up..."

Finaldi suggested the rest of the Jacksons aren't that way despite similar upbringing, but Yoshi said they all are similar.
Yoshi remembered shopping for toys and video games on occasion, with MJ driving a Mercedes. He remembered them going to a magic shop and studio.

He didn't remember a white bronco during his time visiting MJ.

(Wade says MJ fondled him in the bronco, when nobody was looking.🤥)
Yoshi was asked about his 1993 police interview. This is where he grows increasingly angry during the deposition.

"The pair of detective LIARS, yeah. Trying to intimidate and LIE to a child. UNBELIEVABLE. They did this all with a minor without a guardian, without any legal rep."
Instead of agreeing that it was wrong how Yoshi was interrogated without any adult guardian present, Finaldi tries to spin it by simply claiming it was perfectly legal for them to do.

Finaldi claims to be an advocate for child protection, but doesn't care about issues like this.
Yoshi says "they tried to intimidate and lie to a child and it didn't work."

They told Yoshi they had nude pictures of him despite knowing that was a lie and that they had no such photos.

The origin off the whole story is from Leroy Thomas' tale of the pic being "an Asian boy."
Finaldi, flustered that Yoshi discredited his tabloid-riddled sources, pivots to try and attack Yoshi's character. Asking if he's ever been arrested.

MJ's side objected. This is what set Finaldi into his crazed fit of crying "OBSTRUCTION!"

YOSHI: ...I'm tired of your banter.
Circling back to Yoshi's experience with MJ and Neverland, he remembered going there only one time but MJ wasn't around. His mother had dropped him off.

This is consistent w/ recollections of others including Robsons & Safechucks—MJ was rarely around the ranch when they visited.
Still desperate to promote LT, Finaldi read LT's statement: "there was a photo of an Asian boy he was asked to rip up."

Yoshi shot back: Well, that only limits it down to the whole Asian race. 🤣

Estate chimes in: "amazingly the photo was destroyed so no one could ever see it."
MJ's side objected to Finaldi's continued rambling about this supposed photo.

Finaldi grossly mischaracterized Jolie's depo by claiming "she seemed surprised when she learned that [LT's claim of photo]."

She wasn't surprised at all, just shocked that they would make such a lie.
When asked again why Yoshi would refer to Finaldi as an "ambulance chaser", he explained:

"Like all the people that seem to go after him, they're just after one thing and that's money... It's well public knowledge a lot of people have tried to go after him."
Finaldi reverts back to the Hayvenhurst 5 guards & the baseless stories they told to the tabloids and police in preparing their lawsuit. A back-and-forth ensues with the estate rightly pointing out that what he presented was not a direct statement from them, but a police report.
At this point in Yoshi's deposition Finaldi randomly tries suggesting that maybe Yoshi deliberately wanted to block out the past as if there are bad memories of MJ.

Again, Yoshi snaps back: "No. I remember plenty. I remember a lot of great people. I remember a lot of fun times."
Yoshi continues disputing more and more tabloid tales that Finaldi lodged at him.

Keep in mind Finaldi's entire witness roster are people like Leroy Thomas and related sell-outs, ones so far down on the credibility ladder that not even Sneddon raised their claims in 2005.
Shortly before Finaldi "suspended" Yoshi's depo (the basis of his motion for sanctions), he presented the police report of Yoshi's interview.

Yoshi reiterates: They're a bunch of lairs... They lied to me about things happening sexually... Saying they had photos they didn't have.
Yoshi goes on to say that "to me this whole page you're reading from is complete bullshit. I have nothing to discuss about it because those cops are liars and I got nothign to say. They should -- I really hope they got fired."
Yoshi explained he is going to keep stating the same thing, that it "is a bunch of lies from two police officers that were lying."

MJ's side told Finaldi he should "go line by line because there are many different statements in here, whether or not [Yoshi] said it that day."
Following this, much of the remainder of Yoshi's deposition was back-and-forth feuds between MacIsaac and Finaldi.

MJ's side objected to compound questions and other grounds, Finaldi acted like he was being personally attacked from her remarks.
After all the bickering, Yoshi again points out how he'd have doubts about anything written in the police report. When Finaldi asks why, Yoshi retorts:

"Well, the same reason why you so actively want to go after the estate. You're suing a dead man. Kind of seems desperate."
In the police report of Yoshi's interview they say: Detectives informed Yoshi there was a pic of him posing nude, which was found in MJ's bathroom at Encino residence. See interview of Leroy Thomas...

Investigators believed Leroy w/ no evidence & fed that to the Levines as fact.
And here is the last straw of Finaldi, when MacIsaac objected to his continued mischaracterization of Yoshi's testimony.

Whereby Finaldi says "I'm suspending the deposition right now."

MacIsaac was never able to ask any questions of Yoshi, herself.

So there's the story...
Following his failed depo, estate sent Finaldi this scathing 4-page letter.

"Your colleagues have badgered witnesses whenever they give testimony that doesn't comport w/ Wade's absurd allegations. We'd be delighted to bring that childish behavior to the Court’s attention..."
The letter is chock-full of awesome—backed by facts & evidence.

"In addition to the improper behavior toward Ms. Maclsaac, your firm has been unrelentingly hostile with the many, many witnesses who are confident to this day that MJ never did anything inappropriate w/ children."
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