Reflection is an important aspect to growth.🌱

Think & Grow Rich by N. Hill (1937) —

Outlines 28 questions that he suggests everyone should reflect on & answer yearly (in writing).

These questions are included below.

I've simplified them as best I can.


1) Have I achieved my goal(s) for the year?

2) Has my performance been of the highest possible quality, or could I have done better?

3) Has the quantity of my work been the greatest it could be, or could I have done more?
4) Has my attitude towards my work & those I work with been positive? Am I a good co-worker/friend/spouse/etc. ?

5) Has procrastination become a habit, and if so, to what extent has that affected my work?

6) Have I improved my personality, and if so, in what ways?
7) Have I followed through on my plans to completion?

8) Have I been decisive?

9) Have I permitted fear to decrease my efficiency?

10) Have I been too risk-averse or accepted too much risk?
11) Have my work relationships been pleasant? If not, am I at fault — or rather, in what ways am I at fault?

12) Have I wasted energy through lack of focus?

13) Have I been open-minded & tolerant in all areas?
14) In what way(s) have I improved my abilities?

15) Have I been in control of my habits?

16) Have I expressed (inwardly or outwardly) ego in any form?

17) Has my conduct towards those I work with been such that they could respect me?
18) Have my opinions been well-thought out or are they merely "guesswork"?

19) Have I budgeted my resources (money, time, energy, expenses) properly & conservatively?

20) How much time have I allocated to unprofitable efforts?
21) How can I re-allocate my time & adjust my habits such that I can be more efficient & effective?

22) Have I been guilty of anything my conscious would not approve of?
23) In what ways have I outperformed (better quality and/or quantity) the rate at which I'm being compensated?

24) Have I been unfair to anyone, and if so, in what ways?

25) If I had been the employer or purchaser of my own services, would I be satisfied with my purchase?
26) Am I doing the right work, and if not, what work would I rather be doing?

27) Has the purchaser of my service (employer/customer) been satisfied with my service, and if not, why?

28) What is my current definition of success, and how do I rate on my own scale?
Answering these questions truthfully can be helpful in identifying current & past flaws.

This activity also helps identify what changes you need to make going forward to achieve "success" as you define it.
I've spent some time this afternoon writing responses to these questions; it has been eye-opening.

I suggest you do the same.

Please share this if you found it helpful, so that others may be able to benefit from it as well.

Thank you in advance. 🙏
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