Spot the difference!
1⃣ @SophyRidgeSky asked @PritiPatel THREE TIMES whether the Bournemouth beach people were irresponsible. She refused.
2⃣ Priti Patel called those peacefully protesting against racism "unacceptable" & "awful". Using the SAME word to describe the violent ones.
Priti Patel said:
"You asked about protests. I mean what we've seen with gatherings, mass gatherings and protests is unacceptable and the violence against our officers is ALSO unacceptable."

So she could condemn PEACEFUL anti-racist protesters, but not sun-seekers?
#Ridge asked Patel to call the beach-goers irresponsible* in relation to the pandemic.

How many beach-goers were wearing masks?
The peaceful black lives matter protesters were objectively more responsible in relation to the pandemic! But which did Priti Patel choose to condemn?
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