I guess this is why they are pushing the BS about you being a “white supremacist” Andy - someone is afraid of what you know and can share with the committee. https://twitter.com/jim_jordan/status/1276964925127241728
I guess that is because you are honest and diligent and have not submitted/surrendered in spite of the death threats, in person, written on walls, and delivered to you door in the middle of the night by men in masks. Not to mention the beating that sent you to hospital.
Every journalist in the country should be able to agree that it is not acceptable to falsely smear reporters as white supremacists or racists or neo-nazi sympathizers in order to suppress, silence & intimidate. Disagreeing with them/their reporting does not justify branding
Branding Journalists with a label that is pretty much a death sentence is not right. No journalist/journalist organization should stand for it. Our commitment to free speech means little if selectively applied. Allowing these tactics to stand, means it can also happen to you.
You can follow @laralogan.
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