When everyone is fighting with everyone, what I see is Divide et Impera.

"Liberals" fighting with "conservatives", "conservatives" fighting with "liberals". Etc.

If they keep us all fighting each other, nothing ever changes. Your "side" will only give you crumbs, to appease.
So these divisive topics keep common folks fighting with common folks.

What the hell do we need compromised politicians in 2020 for?

The government should be toppled and replaced with kiosks for citizens to vote on every issue.
Constantly feeding in to Divide et Impera the power structure keeps control through the politicians that people blindly believe in despite the fact that politicians play on emotions and manipulate people while conning common folks and answering to the real power structure.
If everyone stopped fighting with each other, and realized that the system is the biggest problem, came together and toppled the flawed system... the power structure would no longer have control over the piece of shit politicians, and the country.
There obviously are real problems to solve, and end.... but ain't nothin fundamentally changing with the system in place.

Politicians will pay lip service to the problems, coddle their political "side", but very little will change. That's how this works.
Systemic problems have been here for ages, and there hasn't been one damn politician who fixed it. Some have just been better than others at coaxing the public. The entire system is a cluster fuck, and real change happens when the government is abolished for good.
Point being, don't waste your time and energy. It's not even worth the stress. You'll never cast a deciding vote, influence enough people to sway an election, and even if you magically did, you're voting for the lesser of 2 evils.

Big game of manipulation.

Divide et Impera.
"_______ _______" will fix it all....

Your grandparents thought the same thing, nothing got "fixed".

We're all pawns on their chess board.
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