TW: sexual assault

This Blaire White video doesn’t sit well with me. It’s a video that vaguely accuses James Charles of two sexual assault allegations conveniently around the time Jeffree Star is trending. Throughout the video Blaire virtue signals as if she’s leading...
...the charge against Jeffree, while simultaneously remaining silent on the matter for a month instead of pursuing the appropriate channels (i.e. law enforcement). While I can empathize with not wanting to take someone’s trauma into your hands and choosing to contact...
...the authorities, you knowingly remained silent on an alleged crime to ask your YouTube viewers what to do a month later in the midst of “drama”. If your intent was to respect the autonomy of the alleged victims, then this video would directly conflict with that...
...If they choose to come forward, you’ve disclosed their trauma without their consent. If they don’t choose to come forward, then you’ve levied unsupported allegations against James, the same thing you criticized Jeffree for. This whole thing is incredibly irresponsible...
...I can understand discussing this after it’s been reported if the alleged victims choose to share their story. However, you cannot tell me that Blaire, a grown adult, doesn’t know better than to make a YouTube video alleging serious unreported crimes instead of calling police.
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