So, masks: I can barely wear one. As some of you know, I've had severe nose/breathing issues for MANY years, and I've had several surgeries to try and correct them. I am mostly okay, but unfortunately, breathing is more complex than people think, and my current state is as good-
-as it's going to get. When my nose and mouth are obstructed, I can't really breath. HOWEVER, I still fucking suck it up when I go into public places. It really sucks, but I deal with it because I want to protect myself and others. I can't stay out for long, so here's a few-
-tips and tricks for those who complaining about wearing one:

Order things online. You can find nearly everything you need, how crazy, right?
Curbside pickup. Almost EVERY store is completely accommodating when it comes to getting you your products. This is how I shop for art-
-supplies at Michael's. I order ahead and get my supplies the same day. I don't have to leave my car, they place my items in the trunk.
Drive through: Much faster, so mask wearing isn't too long term. I also do this very frequently, and it's fine. I get my coffee daily.
TLDR: People who throw temper tantrums about wearing masks can shut the fuck up. You can get literally everything you need if you just stay home (best option!) and do the above things. You have no reason to be petulant, other than you were just born a complete asshat.
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