which member of the chaldean author squad should you ask to edit your term paper: a thread
andersen: 3/5 stars
you can't deny he gives you genuine advice, but you wish he'd stop ranting about how he hates doing work. for every paragraph he helps edit, there's a 10-minute winding lecture on human nature and its follies. you have to edit his edits to get his point
shakespeare: 1/5 stars
you give him your term paper on russian politics. you tell him you need his help to edit it. he agrees. he gives you back a 3-act play set during the imperial period and it's really good, but your actual paper is nowhere to be found
nursery rhyme: 0/5 stars
you give her your paper. she makes bunnies out of it.
scheherazade: 4/5 stars
she refuses to leave the safety of her room and needs to practically put on a hazmat suit to even interact with your paper, but she gives really good feedback. you just wish she would quit bubble wrapping your paper, it's really annoying
avicebron: 5/5 stars
why are you in my workshop? he asks. i need your help with my paper, you say. are you kidding me? he asks. no, you say.

never before have you seen a man write a 20 page essay in under five minutes. you dont even have to edit it; he wants you gone that badly
murasaki: 5/5 stars
she brings you all sorts of books on your topic that you've never heard of, but they're all a great help. though she apologizes a little too much, she guides you into shaping your paper into the perfect--

eh?! it turned into a love letter?!
sei shounagon: 2/5
you go on twitter while waiting for her edits and realize she's livetweeting your essay. "wwwwww look at this dumbass who doesn't know how to use a semicolon," she says. you lie down on your bed and cry
dumas: 5/5
you hand him your paper. he promises you to surpass your expectations. the next day, you get back a paper on an era you're sure that never existed. yet the more you read, the more you find on this imaginary era. he bs'd so hard it became reality. u get full marks
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