1) What's the source of the chaos surrounding "social justice" in America.

I'll explain the situation in this thread.
2) It's cool to be viewed as a victim in American society.

Groups that are seen as victims, e.g., blacks being victims of racism, women being victims of sexism, LGBT being victims of homophobia, are seen as having the moral high ground on social issues.
3) It doesn't matter if their victimhood is real.

What matters is that there are people who think their victimhood is real.

That's why there are hate crime hoaxes.

People want victim points, & sympathy from the broader society.
4) In order to have victims, you must have oppressors.

White people, especially straight white men, are seen as privileged, the oppressors of the victims in American society.

The white liberals who support social justice have become more radical in recent years.
5)White liberals blame all White people for social inequality, so they can disassociate from their own group

They do this to be seen as a good white person who supports victims

That's why there are White liberals who support BLM, affirmative action, censorship, & cancel culture
6) Many of the problems in the black community, e.g., crime & social dysfunction can only be solved within the black community.

Kneeling during the national anthem and tearing down statues of White people who are "problematic" doesn't solve any issues effecting minorities.
7) Personal responsibility & rule of law is needed to bring order, and end this chaos.

The police must arrest rioters.

Laws must be enforced, even if it hurts people's feelings.

People must take responsibility for their situation in life, & quit wanting to be seen as a victim.
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