I have been a journalist for more then 35 years & I have never in my life witnessed such extreme disinformation coming from political figures. Four years of nonsense/lies peddled by Democrat leaders, believed by Trump haters, promoted by journalists pretending to care about truth https://twitter.com/richardgrenell/status/1277024942232530945
It is sickening to watch people get away with it year after year. I am not and have never been defined by politics. I know the difference between good & evil and I fight for the good. The truth is all that matters in the end - but amazingly, one side clings to these lies.
I would say this no matter who was on which side. They will say it’s because I’m the “darling” of the right -but it’s not true. They say that to take away decades of award-winning reporting & sacrifice & reduce all those years of work & credibility because it threatens their lie
You can’t create a false narrative of Russia collusion, spend tens of millions of taxpayer money looking for any way to support the lie - then have to admit the truth & still expect honest, decent people to fall for the ongoing lie you continue to build regardless of the facts.
Only the ideologically blinded would still believe at this point that the President is a Russian spy still doing Putin’s bidding and a white supremacist/neo-Nazi - like the African American and Hispanic people I was reporting on this week, all labeled “white supremacists” too.
Their crime was supporting a political candidate the left is determined to destroy - as they say: “by any means necessary”. How do you label a black woman with three degrees, one of them from Stanford, and two mixed race daughters a “white supremacist”? So many Americans
See through this & are tired of these smears. What many say to me is that you can oppose racism/racial injustice & suppport justice for George Floyd & others killed like him & support the Police at the same time. You can be critical of this country and love it at the same time -
You do not have to hate America to be a good person. The media megaphone today is held by those who see things one way but there are millions of Americans today whose voices are ignored/overlooked. I know because I hear from them all the time. They say the majority is not silent,
They say the majority is not silent - it is loud but the media isn’t listening to them because they look down on those living in “flyover country” who may not think the same way as they do. What they also say is they do not believe this country is divided,
Millions do not believe this country is divided & we’ve never been more united in condemning/standing against racism. They’re shocked leaders on both sides are not standing up for the principles on which the country was founded & say 1619 is part of what made 1776 so great -
It led to a document based on principles of justice and equality and freedom, that was meant ultimately to right the wrongs of the past and guarantee those things for all. Regardless of how you see it, this country has stood as a beacon of light in a dark world and still does.
Leaders who do not stand to gain from America’s destruction are watching from afar, some have expressed to me in recent weeks, that they fear for freedom everywhere if that light goes out here.
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