Calling for a ban of West Bank settlement produce in the face of annexation has got nothing to do with attacking Israel's legitimacy. There is nothing legitimate about unilaterally annexing territory, or occupying it indefinitely.
By its definition a ban on settlement produce distinguishes between Israel inside the Green Line as legtimate, as opposed to Israel over the Green Line.
The @BoardofDeputies presumably knows that, and also knows that the BDS movement does not distinguish between the two. The lazy attempts in their response to conflate a call for a ban on settlement produce with BDS movement is disengenious and wrong.
The @BoardofDeputies can continue to call Israel the only democracy in the Middle East. But there is nothing democratic about Israel unilterally annexing West Bank territory whilst Palestinians have no right to vote for the government that is making this decision.
And @netanyahu has already said they will not give Palestinians in any area they annex citizenship. In his words they will remain 'subjects'. Call that what you want but it's certainly not democracy.
Its time for @BoardofDeputies to take its head out of the sand before it becomes a completely moribund organisation #StopAnnexation
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