one of my most inconsequential comic book grievances is that there's such an intensely driven need for literalism that diana actually had to come out and say she was trans positive in wonder woman earth one volume two
it's like, if you missed how loudly the comic was saying that its diana was symbolically trans or that hippolyta and beth candy were stand ins for andrea dworkin and beth ditto, then this series and grant morrison in general are probably not going to speak to you at all.
i would never, you know, assume trans positivity from any wonder woman comic, especially given the intense gender essentialism and TERF energy in the hand-off from azzarello to finch or the truly regrettable DCEU origin, but diana with the lion's mane was the real clue there.
if you chart out the different themyscria creation stories over the years, you can pretty cleanly figure out which ones would/could include trans women amazons and which ones do not. the strongest implicit case is post-COIE perez/potter.
you can get extremely deep in the weeds on this as far as antiquity and constructs of gender go, and lord would i ever have that conversation with fellow art history major karen berger, but post-COIE amazons were the reincarnated souls of women who died violently by men, sooooooo
if you want to utilize the perez/potter origin from the perspective of seeing the wonder woman mythos as an allegory for present day social issues, then themyscira is going to be over represented by trans women, and Black trans women in particular
i guess i kind of understand that line being in WWEO2 because morrison presented themyscira as a false utopia rotten to the core with SW/TERFism and diana was laying out her agenda for a new vision but it also tells you about how dc treats pre & post steve trevor themyscira.
because in stuff like WWEO2, or the rucka and simone runs, you can easily see that themyscira would be open to hosting non-amazon trans women (or any other marginalized gender) but the prospect of trans women *amazons* is a completely different story.
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