omg not the "change your vocab by finding other words for stupid people" discourse... please... I'm so tired...
"alternatives for calling someone an idiot :)"
what do you think an idiot is?
Without considering or challenging your own views on intelligence, achievement, wilful ignorance and so on, changing your vocab slightly is just window dressing
also remember when 'mentally challenged' was the like, pc term for developmentally disabled people, and this now gets used as an insult? Cruel people use words however they like, it's in *how they are used*, context, deployment, not the word itself? Ahaaaaa I'm so tired!
Unless you want to confront the fact that a subset of people use the diagnostic label Autistic as an insult, in which case you'd have to discuss actual ableism in society and not the deployment of individual words, oh noooooo
Sure that person is well intentioned, but meh. It's theatre.
R*tarded was a diagnostic label when it was first used, so was sp*stic.
Both quickly became used as insults because the medical system is ableist and... so is society.
In short, challenging ableism goes further than words: why are you feeling the need to insult sb's intelligence?
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