\\\\ A THREAD //

Want to know how to reach your goals fast - on AUTOPILOT?

Read on, and I'll explain!

I bet you think you're in conscious control of every decision you make

Going for a run?

Cracking open a beer?

Yelling at your cat for meowing too much?

You think every single choice is made by "you"

This is wrong

Your brain has two "parts" - conscious and subconscious

Think about it like a car

Your subconscious is the engine - it powers your car so it can get you to your destination

Your conscious is the driver - it has the ability to choose your destination

But there's an added twist to this analogy

The car has an advanced guidance system - an autopilot

It quickly learns where you go often, memorizes the path, and starts going there automatically

This makes life easier for the driver

You don't have to think about the destination anymore

You just hop in the car, turn the key, and away you go

But what if you don't want to keep going to the same places?

What if you want to go somewhere new?

What if you want to achieve something new?

The brain evolved ways to save energy

One of them was the formation of nature's guidance system - HABITS

When you do something for the first time, you have to put a lot of conscious thought into it

After a few times, it takes less thought

It's almost effortless!

Why are repeated actions effortless?

Because your brain has memorized the action and turned it into a habit

It's literally rewired your brain so the habit is encoded in your subconscious

All it needs is the signal and it presses "play" on the habit

No thought required

Think about what your autopilot is doing every day

Are your habits taking you closer to your goals?

Or are they pulling you further away from them?

If your autopilot isn't helping you, I have good news:

You can reprogram it to take you where you want to go

All you have to do is take CONSCIOUS control of yourself

Start doing what you know you need to be doing to reach your goal

Your autopilot will resist at first, but it'll quickly adapt

Then you'll do what you need to do without thinking about it!

Goals on autopilot.

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