I would like to offer something that some of you don’t understand that could help in the effort of eradicating racist behavior:

Workplaces that are all white except for one Black person are VIOLENT spaces for us.
We have to wear emotional armor every day. We have to deal w/microaggressions that chip away at us, like:

—I like your braids, can you wash them?
—I wish I had dark skin like you but I’m so pale!
—I got a tan, we’re almost the same color now (puts arm next to Black person’s)!
—I just adopted a Black child, can you teach me how to do their hair/cook soul food?
—You’re great, you’re not like other “Blacks,” you know what I mean!
—(After saying something racist and being called on it) I’m not racist! I have Black friends! (Cries immediately in front of everyone to become the victim)
—This company isn’t racist, we just can’t find anyone qualified.
—Don’t make race a “political issue”
—Ugh, I wish I had hair that could do that!
— But if we have a dance contest at the holiday party, (Black employee) will beat everyone!
—*snaps fingers and rolls neck after Black person’s presentation* You go, girl!
These are all RACIST statements and acts of AGGRESSION. The sooner you understand this, the sooner you can dismantle systemic racism. If you’re defensive, it’s because you’ve done this or similar and are resisting change, IJS. ✊🏽
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