This has caused some controversy! And some good arguments; I'm pleased with that. Less pleased with the dimwits who merely take it and overlay their Racism Narrative on it. But I think I'd like to expand on this a bit.
There is an itch in us to dominate. Being an old-fashioned and entirely out-of-touch Catholic, I believe that this itch emanates from the Enemy who is tempting us to do evil; and as is very common in such efforts, the evil is to be disguised as something good.
A little while ago, a blue-check Prog went on an anti-Conservative rant, now deleted, but the most crucial thing he said was his assertion that we Conservatives should be consigned to doing only the most menial tasks of society. In other words, we Conservatives should be slaves.
He probably didn't fully realize what he was saying: but I saw it right away: that itch to dominate. It comes from a feeling of self-importance, and who of us thinks our selves are unimportant? So, don't go thinking you can't be tempted here. But, there it is: the itch.
Once you've fallen for the temptation, you will think yourself, in spite of rote denunciations which you don't mean, superior. Smarter. More moral. Engaged in enlightened service to all. And, hey, that stuff keeps you busy: too busy to take care of the small stuff of life.
You know, small stuff: making food. Cleaning up. Getting water to houses. Trivial stuff like that can be done by anyone: only the select few (like you) can do the really important thinking up what everyone else should believe and then devising ways to enforce it.
Once into that attitude, you will justify just about anything which reinforces your feeling of superiority - and nothing reinforces that feeling better than having people at your beck and call. People who must do as they are told. People who you can destroy if they disobey.
The only curative for this is a firm, dogmatic belief that you and everyone else are sinners in desperate need of redemption. Just let a hint in there that you are better than someone else and, presto, you're on the path to owning people.
What I'm saying here is that, ultimately, the Abolition movement was an oddity. Almost freakish in its assertion: that people should work, and even die, to take the bonds off others. It is a Christ-like action; one of the most Christ-like actions that a human can take.
And how many people are Christ-like? Yeah, me neither. So, there is always this temptation to dominate and there is also *fertile ground for it to grow*. The last Western nation to abolish slavery was Brazil in 1888: by *1918*, 30 years later, the USSR was building a slave State.
Start small: the Soviets would dragoon former nobility and such out to work on Saturdays; cleaning up, digging holes. Hard, physical labor usually to the jeers of a proletarian crowd happy that, finally, they got to order people around. And bad people: nobles were bad, right?
That's what every organ of government said. As Comrade Lenin said: loot the looters. These monsters of depravity undeservedly lorded it over, now, lord it over them. They are your inferiors! Dominate them: make that ex-Duchess scrub a latrine. But it didn't stay small.
By 1931, the Soviets were using hundreds of thousands of slaves. Later, the Nazis and other Left regimes forced millions into servitude, often to death. And those who ran things *loved it*. To be able to rape a woman at will. Beat a man who can't resist. Steal whatever you want.
Don't think this isn't a glorious feeling, folks. You might say to yourself "I'd never do that". Good. Now get on your knees and pray that this is really the case. But the temptation to be the task-master is there...
...and even if you are the one made a slave and you hate it, this doesn't mean that if you had been given the chance to wield the whip, you would have refused. Maybe you would stay firm: but maybe you wouldn't have.
And even if you aren't slave or master, don't think you'll necessarily be out in the streets fighting for freedom. No: you've got a job. You aren't being beaten. You've got your kids to think of. And, well, those who are slaves are, well, not the best people, right?
I mean, come on: you aren't being made a slave and so you must be rather good...certainly at least better than the enslaved. And speaking up for them will only get you in trouble and if you can also make a slave do a thing or two for you, who's to complain?
I've gone on long enough. I'll finish with this: ending slavery was a remarkable and very fragile human achievement only done by the very grace of God. We are in danger of losing that achievement...and those putting it as risk are the so-called anti-racism activists.
They are merely turning it around: creating pro-black myths to replace old anti-black myths while also crafting anti-white myths to justify dominating other people. We are at risk of quite a collapse, if we don't wise up quickly.
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