Most people don’t have money problems

They have other problems that result in the lack of money

Most money problems boil down to

- Laziness
- Lack of discipline
- Lack of confidence
Money problems that stem from laziness

You know you need to learn a skill to earn more, learning that skill requires time, but you’re too lazy to learn it.

An example is learning how to build websites.

Easy money but you’re too lazy to learn
Lack of discipline

You spend more than you have

You buy shit you don’t need

You don’t pay your bills before you spend on your wants

You don’t have a budget

Maybe you do have a budget but you don’t stick to it.

Your lack of discipline brings you money problems
Money problems that stem the lack of confidence

You have a skill, you’re too afraid to promote yourself

You know you deserve more money at your job, you’re afraid to ask for a pay raise

You’re afraid to put yourself on the market for a new job or to work as a freelancer
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