Is the media fueling the far-right? Let’s look at how the Portuguese media covered two protests from two opposite sides (Black lives matter vs. the extreme-right).

Remember the news about the BLM protests 3 weeks ago. As I previously tweeted, the media became distracted. 1/9
Strange how a protest of the same route with 1,300 people respected the rules but another didn't. It couldn’t be that the media sympathizes more with the far-right than with anti-racism protestors.. Maybe far-right protestors were really able to respect social distancing? 4/9
Unfortunately, no.

Read the caption: “In the streets of downtown Lisbon, it wasn’t possible to maintain social distancing”. Their own photo in the article couldn’t keep the lie straight.

Don't they want to distract from the extreme-right protest like they did with BLM? 5/9
One can even see how the language changed:

For BLM: “Protestors were not respecting social distancing”
(active disobedience)

For the far-right: “it wasn’t possible to maintain social distancing”
(passive, as if the streets of Lisbon forced them to not social distance) 6/9
Neutrality would be a minimum for covering a comical manifestation of racists saying they are not racist. But this isn’t even neutral – it’s giving the far-right a positive spin. Could that be? 7/9
Reading the article: “Helena a health professional... agrees with Ventura”. But, Observador says, she’s not a militant.

Bruno from Montijo is not a militant… but”. Is this the new, I’m not a racist, but?

Looks like the far-right is full of real people who aren’t militants. 8/9
Humanizing the far-right, while discrediting anti-racist protestors. Let no one be surprised when the next extreme-right manifestation is much bigger. 9/9
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