// THREAD \\\\

Why are the Wheels of Justice turning so slow?
What happens after Trump is re-elected?

We are 3 and a half years into the “Drain the Swamp” campaign, and many want justice NOW!

Is this just about reversing 8 years of the Obama presidency?
Fast and furious - arming gangs and terrorists.

The creation of ISIS and the destabilization of the Middle East.

The executive order which allowed for the MSM to use propaganda legally.

I could go on and on with Obama. But there’s more! 3 and a half years isn’t to undo 8.
After the terror attacks in New York, the Patriot Act was not patriotic at all. It was a direct attack on Americans Bill of Rights. Mainly the 4th through 6th amendments.

Let’s go back further!
How about the Clinton regime stripping our inner cities? The 1994 Crime Bill was passed under Clinton. The inevitable collapse of the housing market began under Clinton.

Let’s go back further!
The Godfather of America’s rise and push to “usher in the New World Order” under GHWB. The mass exodus of putting China on the map as the incoming competition for America. All under GHWB.
Or perhaps this goes back to JFK? JFK knew of the sinister plan in which the C!A was running drug, gun, and human trafficking operations to generate funding, in which they could go around having to ask Congress to allocate funds for their operations.
JFK also signed executive order 11110. This was a beginning stage of moving the printing of currency back into the hands of the treasury, and returning to a Gold Standard currency.

We know the end. But it goes further back than that.
Operation Paperclip brought Nazis over from Germany and placed them within our government. That is TRUE.

Even before that, go back to the origins of the Cultural Marxism we see today and it began with Nazis who came here from the Frankfort Institute Think-Tank.
The Frankfort Institute was responsible for the inundation and indoctrination we see within our college institutions.
Technically, we could back even further to the founding of the federal reserve. Or back to 1871 when Congress incorporated the United States of America. Or even we’ll beyond that.
The point is this, the last 3 and a half years is not solely about undoing 8 years, 16 years, 50 years, 100 years, it is about removing centuries of evil, corrupt powers, that have enslaved humanity and become more insidious with each generation.
More has been done in the first 3 and a half years of Trumps Presidency at dismantling this Cabal network than ever before! We are in the midst of a covert war of biblical proportions!
Let me give you a reminder of all the accomplishments, and moves that patriots and President Trump have taken toward dismantle this global Cabal.

Part 1 of 2
👇👇 https://twitter.com/punish4q/status/1245848347002339328
Here’s the second part of the moves patriots and Trump have taken to remove this global Cabal mafia.

Part 2 of 2 https://twitter.com/punish4q/status/1245870297099591681
Much is at stake. The first 4 years have been the dismantling behind the scenes. What happens after re-election?

Why has their been such a push to remove Trump? Virus. Mail in ballots. Spying on an incoming president. The impeachment coup.

[They] know what happens next.
These first 4 years have been bringing about awareness, exposure, and the investigation to destroy the Cabal. The foundation is imploding. The networks are being dismantled. The pipelines are being bled dry.
The next 4 years are crucial, because we will see the removal of the Deep States tentacles across society. Stand strong patriots!

Attacks will intensify. We are in the fight of our lives! GOD WINS!
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