Chutiya needs a full essay on benefits of being with North India and the reward is only a Candy. Clearly South India sucks at Cost-Benefit analysis
But seriously, it's cute to see South Indian people (at least on twitter) complain about "Amiths" being the idiots they are, not knowing the difference between Tamil, Telugu etc. and in the same breath talk about creating a new country composed of people speaking these languages.
This is not a suggestion/provocation, just a hypothetical point. If u want to secede from NI, why not just do it with your own state? Why do u need the other South Indian states to come with u? It's almost as if u think your State is not capable enough to be a country on its own.
Maybe that realisation is why u want to leach off the resources of your neighbouring state, which u are cleverly disguising under the garb of South Indian solidarity, which is just a form of Chauvinism if u were honest enough to admit it.
On the one hand, u would not Shut up about how South India is vastly richer than North India, & on the other hand, u would feel victimised by every small actual or perceived slight that comes your way. How do u play victim despite being rich? Make it make sense for me please
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