A lot of people have been asking me about symptoms/experience so here you go:
Day 1: This is probably when my symptoms started. Extreme feeling of exhaustion. Couldn't keep eyes open. Diarrhea.
Day 2-4: Feverish. Body ache. Exhaustion. Diarrhea (1/n)
Day 5-11: This was the worst phase. Fever between 100-102. Wouldn't go in spite of Dolo 4 times a day. Severe body pain. Cold. Cough. All day, all night. This is when I lost my sense of smell and taste. Got tested on the 4th day of fever at Lal Path. Got a positive. (2/n)
Day 11-12:This is when the chest pain started. Hd bn monitoring oxygen levels continuously. Had been told by doc @shams_z to go to the hospital if oxygen dropped below 92. Got a 91 so rushed. Was kept under observation for a day. Day 13-15: Fever finally stopped. Body ache. (3/n)
Day 16-17: Rashes appeared on fingers, toes. And then on elbow and knees. Intense weakness. No taste or smell yet.
1. Don't wait for symptoms to worsen. Get tested when the fever first appears.
2. Don't try home remedies. Won't work & might aggravate ur condition (4/n)
3. Government helpline numbers were essentially useless. Didn't take my call at all. The WhatsApp number just gave a set of useless instructions.
4. Most doctors don't want to see you in person if you have symptoms. They prefer phone calls or video calls. (5/n)
Which makes it very difficult to get a prescription to get tested.
5. Thank God I had dr. @shams_z for the emergency 2:30 am call and @subiism who arranged everything for me. Not everybody, though, is so lucky and gets such help in this emergency. (6/n)
Had heard of the various new testing centers. Called the office of the local MLA on the 2nd day and was told that the centers at Okhla have been removed and I need to go to Malviya Nagar to get tested. Lal Path has the option to book test online (7/n)
However, they don't do home pickups. You need to have a prescription from your doctor, and go to the specific hospital where they are testing.
6. If you are isolating at home and not going to the hospital, be sure to get an oximeter and keep on monitoring (8/n)
oxygen levels. That is the most important thing. Also keep a chart of the levels and the body temperature. Your doctor might need this.
7. Drink lots of hot water, gargle. Remain in a well ventilated room. Try not to use the AC. It just made my chest pain worse. (9/n)
Take lots of vitamins. There will be intense bouts of weakness. I pant and huff when I have to go to the loo and I am at day 18. That will take some time to go. I guess my taste and smell will also come back sometime soon.

But please take this seriously. Stay at home. (10/n)
Use a mask even at home. I had been on wfh all this while & wasn't really going out but I still got it. Be careful while dealing with anybody coming from outside, even family members. Please be safe. This really takes a toll on your body and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. (n/n)
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