( apologies to those who just like pictures of me with carrots)
The Tories dont care what anyone thinks.
They have a big majority and a 5 yr tenure.
We cannot oust these venal, self serving idiots, and they know it.
So, this country will see more and more degradation.
So, what the fuck do we do.
Small, local activism.
Change our world by your daily actions.
Do not co-operate with this corrupt regime.
Swamp them with numbers, if there's a march you agree with, go.
Add your body.
If millions disobey and shout, we can scare them
Dont just tweet your rage, live it .
A deluge of disgust in every mp's mail box, a scream of outrage at PM Blundercunt and his wormtongue Scummings .
Do not amplify the mouthpieces of hate like Figel Narrage, starve their oxygen.
Join a union!
Register to vote, and fucking use that vote. Wisely
Even if it's not what you want, ensure its cast for the least worst option.
Push for Proportional Representation.
Shop in a way that supports local.
Shop in a way that supports minority businesses.
Dont buy any Murdoch paper
These Tory fuckers sell the lie of "ME" and "MINE"
Think and behave more "US" and "OURS"
If you can help, give it. Money, Time, Food, even just a fucking smile at a lonely old fart like me sat on a bench in the park, can change a day from bleak to better.
Dont be passive.
Confront racist/sexist/homophobic/anti-trans rhetoric and behaviour
Call it out,Say no.
Welcome those who come from away, they bring skills and energy, an eagerness for new life and success. ( I know, I am one)
Fight everyday, the bigotry of this evil government
And....grow tomatoes!
( end of rant)
( pictures of my veg and me are always popular)
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