“Stop giving children irreversible hormone treatments!”

Children aren’t given hormones, they’re given hormone blockers to *prevent* the irreversible effects of cis hormones.

Blockers buy time for kids to ensure the right hormones drive irreversible changes during pubescence.
It goes both ways.

Blockers insure a questioning child who is actually cis doesn’t go through trans puberty.

Blockers insure a questioning child who is actually trans doesn’t go through cis puberty.

Child therapists help kids figure out which puberty will best serve them.
Social transition (hair, clothes, pronouns, name) and therapy is an excellent model with great results. Happy trans kids progress through trans puberty with very low desistence.

FWIW blockers were first used for precocious puberty in cis children.

They’re NOT experimental.
In this extremely gendered world, especially for children, I knew from the moment socialization began as a “boy” that I wasn’t a boy. Trust that kids know who they are and where they resonate. When people made me go with men and boys, it was my first sense of dysphoria.

People mock us about stereotypes, but often and with a little irony it’s those stereotypes that help us figure out where we fit. Stereotypes are partly derived in statistical norms of gendered behaviors. Some people who exhibit stereotypical behaviors ARE being authentic.

bottom line:

1) I appreciate retweets to spread these kinds of messages to help #ProtectTransKids.

2) Listen to trans kids when they tell you who they are.

3) Forcing trans kids through cis puberty can lead to self harm and suicide and should be considered child abuse.

Re: stereotypes

Stereotypes can tell us where we fit AND/OR where we don’t.

Stereotypes are in biology
M/F characteristic norms

M/F cardinals are ID’ed by stereotypes. Some cardinals diverge from them too.

Ppl usually mean “role” by “stereotype.”

End v2.0
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