If we are serious about stopping political corruption, here’s some ideas:
1. No more private campaign donations. Not from individuals or corporations. Public campaign financing only, same $ to each party.
2. No more political appointees to head federal agencies. Promote career /1
Civil servants only. Particularly true for ambassadorships. Career only.
3. Federal judges are promoted not appointed, and they are subject to dismissal like any other govt employee.
4. SCOTUS judges are appointed by each party, 4 per party, with the 9th seat appointed by /2
the party NOT in WH. SCOTUS judges are appointed for terms of say 20 years and can’t be reappointed. The 9th seat changes when WH party changes.
5. Term limits for Congress. Two terms of 4 years for House and Senate.
6. No filibuster
7. Mandatory security clearance check /3
and 10 years of tax records released for all candidates to federal office, including President, and all presidential appointees like CoS and special advisors.
8. Mandatory tax audit for all elected federal officials during their terms
9. Paper ballots
10. Automatic voter /4
11. Independent non-partisan electoral districting commission in each state, using AI to eliminate gerrymandering
12. Vote by mail available in every state to all registered voters
13. Mandatory prison term for electoral fraud and voter suppression
Some of these ideas may be quite stupid. Others impractical or unrealistic. But the discussion needs to happen because we can no longer pretend that our institutions are fair and impervious to corruption. Let’s get to work to improve this imperfect Union. /6x
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