Something I just heard @Lin_Manuel say got me to thinking about money and journalism. As we become increasingly reliant on support from individuals where does factoring economic equality come into play when we consider the future? By and large the audience many of us
work to serve can’t add us to their budget. Much of that is because of the way our economy is setup. At best organizations like @media_outlier might be able to get people who use our service to donate what they can, but we’d still need to depend on “well meaning” folks
with more financial resources to subsidize our work for low wealth communities. As a person who deeply believes that the model impacts the journalism this will always concern me.
I’ve seen enough to know that without relentless dedication you could start to see an inversion of your mission. It’s natural to want to place your attention where your resources flow from.
What would it mean for journalism if we had an economy that was more balanced across households? How might that impact the work we do and who we do it for?
What @Lin_Manuel was addressing was having a cast of mostly Black and Brown folks performing to mostly white audiences. Who can afford the theatre? The issues are similar and rooted in the same baseline issue.
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