Read the @thislouis @stavernise @FrancesRobles side by side @nytimes. They start to tell the same story but then back away. And their story becomes an apologia of sorts for @realDonaldTrump all leaders around world, public health experts too failed. It’s everybody’s fault. 2/
This seems like a house style: why can @PostBaron provide such hard hitting analyses, while @deanbaquet hedges almost always. It matters. It matters for history. For the present in understanding the crisis. 3/
And I’ll leave you with your Sunday morning reading from the Gospel of Joan (Didion): “The genuflection toward ‘fairness’ is a familiar newsroom piety, the excuse in practice for a good deal of autopilot reporting and lazy thinking but a benign ideal.” 4/
“In Washington, however, a community in which the management of news has become the single overriding preoccupation of the core industry, what ‘fairness’ has too often come to mean is a scrupulous passivity...” 5/
“ agreement to cover the story not as it is occurring but as it is presented, which is to say as it is manufactured.” 6/
The @nytimes is the pinnacle now of Didion’s deferential spirit in journalism, particularly unsuited for a crisis. End/
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