As Israel moves forward with the annexation of the West Bank, and mainstream British politics is gagged of the right to critique Zionism, and Israel’s settler colonial pursuits, we loudly and clearly stand beside our Palestinian comrades.

Further reading below
More than 40 Jewish groups around the world in 2018 opposed "cynical and false accusations of antisemitism that dangerously conflate anti-Jewish racism with opposition to Israel’s policies and system of occupation and apartheid".
Tens of BAME organisations in the UK condemned efforts "deny Palestinians’ basic humanity by suppressing their entire history and current plight"
The fast-growing US organisation Jewish Voice for Peace on Zionism: "Palestinian dispossession and occupation are by design. Zionism has meant profound trauma for generations, systematically separating Palestinians from their homes, land, and each other." 
240 Jewish and Israeli scholars, including internationally-recognised experts on antisemitism, addressed the German parliament last year, regarding the BDS movement for Palestinian rights.
Organisations representing the majority in Palestinian civil society asserted: "We need no one’s permission to accurately narrate our history"
British Palestinians called for the active protection and promotion of "accurate information about current and past events in the life of the Palestinian people, as part of Britain’s ongoing, and outstanding, colonial debt."
127 Jewish scholars last year condemned the French Parliament's motion equating anti-Zionism with antisemitism: "Anti-Zionism is a legitimate point of view in Jewish history, and it has a long tradition, including in Israel."
On the eve of Israel's planned formal annexation of Palestinian land, we stand with Palestinian civil society in calling for targeted sanctions in line with international law against Israel's colonial, apartheid regime.
Over a thousand parliamentarians in 25 European countries, 47 UN special rapporteurs, the Labour Party and dozens of UK MPs are among those calling for sanctions, effective measures and an end to Israel's impunity.
We stand with Palestinians at this most urgent time, and against the accelerated attacks on their rights laid out above and in many other sources. 

Ours is a united fight against colonialism in all its forms. Justice is indivisible.
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