Because these things are sequence based. First A has to happen, then B, then C until you get to D which is what you want. But B depends on X and Y which are in the hands of the DOJ which is full of lawyers who like to delay things.

Let me give a speculative example.
When Weiner's laptop was seized in 2016 in a joint FBI-MILINT op, AW's and Huma's cellphones and router were also seized. The logs showed that Huma was routinely passing classified information to Qatar for money as well as collecting blackmail material from Epstein Island.
That sting was part of a complex operation involving two overlapping investigations into both the Clinton Foundation and Hillary's emails. So how do you now handle Huma given that revealing the contents of the laptop may cause governments across the world to be overthrown?
Let's say the DOJ really needs her help to nail down a particular aspect of the case against Hillary. But proceeding with that may cause a diplomatic incident and declaration of war because of the info she was passing to Qatar. This stuff is all nasty and interlocked.
So you can see how the laptop unveil may depend on the case against Huma which may depend on a negotiation between Qatar and the US which may depend on a regime change agreement which is being stalled by some sleeper agent in the DOJ who hasn't been ferreted out yet.
FBIAnon told us back in July 2016 that the material Hillary had on the Clinton Foundation server recovered from Benghazi would, and I quote, "literally cause an
uprising and possibly foreign declarations of war" if made public.

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Q told us in December 2017 that the SAP Program material on Hillary's private server had to do with nuke tech that Barry gave to NK via SpaceX. Merely possessing SAP material without permission is treason (it's above Top Secret). Hillary was selling it.
What if Huma took a backup of some of this material as insurance? Now the investigation depends on the progress of the Uranium One inquiry. Oops.

The laptop's contents WILL be revealed. But not until all the global pieces are in place to cope with the fallout.
Have faith. These people can thrash around all they like before November. Every move they make has been anticipated and planned for - and because they're stupid and inflexible, they will be crushed when the time comes. But there are a lot of moving parts, many of them global.
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