#Thread ... India as a nation of Maid-Servants Only?

(1/1) The 1991 reforms made by former PM, P.V. Narasimha Rao, were path-breaking. Unfortunately, the history was morphed to glorify Dr Singh as the sole architect of those reforms. @c_aashish @aparanjape

(1/2) In fact, it was Rao who employed Dr Manmohan Singh as his Finance Minister and with Rao's mandate, Dr Singh launched historic economic reforms.
(1/3) Here is an anecdote from a parliament session during a discussion on "Demands for Grants" on 26th August 1991. PM Rao was to reply to the debate lead by the opposition.
(1/4) Demand for grants means any withdrawal or disbursement from the Consolidated Fund of India can only be done by passing a bill in LS. After the FM presents the Union Budget, Parliament holds a general discussion followed by a detailed discussion & vote on Demands for Grants
(1/5) So washing machines, refrigerators and other household durables got a push when the government decided to reduce the excise duty from the 60 per cent levels to a modest 15 per cent due to the new economic reforms.
(1/6) It was Nirmal Chatterjee of Communist Party of India who stood up in the parliament to complain. Here is how the debate went...

Nirmal Chatterjee: If you have a washing machine, how many people are you throwing out of employment?
(1/7) PV Rao: The thing is, if you have a lakh of washing machines being made, to how many are you giving employment, on the other side?

Nirmal Chatterjee: How many? Those resources which are utilised for producing washing machine could be utilised for other purposes.
(1/8) PV Rao: That is the point. If you take that as the criterion, then you will remain a country of maid-servants only.

Nirmal Chatterjee: That is your idea...
(1/9) PV Rao: You are condemning our women to a life of drudgery permanently. That is where diversification is necessary. That is why we have not given them any education so far. Let her be educated. She will refuse to do the washing, the moment you educate her.
(1/10) PV Rao: We want to modernise; we want to be a modern society; we want to be a society in which every member has a certain quality of life.....
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