hello good afternoon pals, just a kind reminder from ur neighbourhood public policy sis to read through manifestos from each party and really sitting down to think of the following:
1. how is sg going to afford to implement certain policies?

a good example of this is the push for universal healthcare! we love healthcare, but we also need to know how we are going to afford UH!! r we getting taxed more? r we moving stuff from the budget? we need to know!
2. what are the intended AND possible unintended implications from certain policies?

aside from economic impacts, we also have to think about possible social implications that may occur, such as possible classist attitudes or increased gender inequality etc
3. what are the suggested policies trying to fix?

I think its important for us to understand that having more policies doesn't equate to improve governance!! sometimes more policies can bring about increased saturation and unintentionally more barriers
4. how are the policies going to benefit the greater good of the society?

its important for us to analyse how policies are going to affect the greater good, as that should really be what governance is for lah right
5. does the party have both long term and short term goals that are practical?

it is easy for us to be swept away by big words and ideals that we want to hear! so it is important for us to ensure that the party does have goals that can be accomplished during its term
ok that be it for now, im sleepy I want to take a nap HAHAHAH

but do think before you vote because every vote counts!! remember to vote for policies and not just to out the ruling party just bc!!
(no I am not declaring to be pro any particular party bc I can't do that on soc med bc of my job HAHAHAH)

read up and be nice!!! happy Sunday!
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