here's the thing. if you have ADHD/anxiety/endo/cfs/whatever then you have it regardless of whether a doctor nods their head and ticks a box or not.
Can you diagnose yourself with these things? I don't know. A doctor wouldn't diagnose me with endo until he physically stuck a camera in my pelvis. But I had endometriosis regardless of whether the doctor verified it or not.
If we talk about self-diagnosis we MUST acknowledge that many many people are undiagnosed or pre-diagnosed for many different things. Not everyone sees the right doctor at the right time. People have things that doctors haven't verified. They MUST DO.
That's just common sense. Because doctors diagnose things that people already have - they must have had it before they were diagnosed.

And obviously a lot of those people will know. Because they are themselves. They know their symptoms if not their diagnosis "for sure".
STUFF up your life is deliberately not specifically for dealing with ADHD. If you are struggling then you're struggling regardless of whether a doctor agrees with you or not. Maybe you're sub-clinical. Maybe your doctors are jerks (lots of doctors are jerks).
maybe you're struggling for completely different non-adhd reasons. Maybe you have ADHD. Maybe you don't. Maybe you think you do and you don't. Maybe you don't think you do and you do.

But if you're finding things hard? That's real REGARDLESS OF ANY OF THAT.
You don't have to be verified. Or to know deep down. Or to have someone in a white coat agree. Or have passed a test.

Your struggles are REAL.
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