Am I the only one who noticed NYTimes & Co dropped this when everyone learned of the exculpatory evidence that surfaced showing Obama and Biden targeted Gen Flynn and Judge Sullivan had his gavel rendered impotent and told to dismiss it?
The likelihood House democrats will prevail to keep standing for their SCOTUS case against Trump for the next impeachment (yes really) has all but evaporated .
ICYMI and can read only one thread? 👇
There is an EXCELLENT reason that President Trump considered Gen Flynn for his VP and he would have been invaluable as the NSA. Fascinating that they have gone back to the Afghanistan well and Russia in order to attack again isn't it?
Another reason I used the WSJ article is I have a subscription, see they actually don't take 42 paragraphs to tell me what I need to see. Can you spot it? Who benefits from this hit job . . .
How many old brass and "former IC" weasels do you need to see before you realize they have a vested interest in controlling the narrative so we will be distracted. You know who is never going to be distracted? This guy.
See the man I elected may not have fought in the military but he was appointed and elected to FIGHT FOR the men and women who wear the uniform.

So when @PressSec puts out a statement and @RichardGrenell confirms it's veracity? Yes, I believe them.
They understand the cost of war and it's why we are withdrawing from the region and will no longer be the world's police. He writes and calls every family . . .
One of the finest addresses I have heard given ~ ICYMI
To recap, effort to use Flynn to prevent Trump from
getting out of the horrible Iran deal — failed
smear him with a Russia hoax — failed²
discredit him using the FBI, CIA, IC — failed³

Ergo combine Obama's "Holy war" Afghanistan AND Russia . . . we'll get him this time
🎩TIP @DrrDenise 👇and thank you DNI Ratcliffe ❤️🇺🇸
This is a DNI who believes in transparency and has already proven it through his actions.
Presidential Addendum:
So we're clear it was not US intelligence. Sky News has claimed it was our FVEY mates across the pond. Again. 🧐 With "friends" like this who needs enemies?
Flashback . . .
So OUR intelligence agencies didn't find the Brits credible?

EXCELLENT Mr President !!! High time we stop passing the UK FVEY trash just because there is a rumor.
Addendum by NSA Robert O'Brien:

I'd be looking for an Eric CIAramella to be at the bottom of this rumor pile. Claiming an April 2019 car bombing killing 3 soldiers was their proof (20 soldiers died in 2019 total) sound like a reach to me.
Ohhhh . . . I see 👀
. . . no one ACTUALLY DIED
. . . no one VERIFIED the rumor
. . . SOMEONE in the IC community LEAKED it
. . . NYTimes and FVEY sources WEAPONIZED it
I love smart friends . . .
I was ahead of the curve AND eternally grateful for people like him 👇who will NEVER let them live this one down.
#DoNothingDemocrats led by Chuck "the IC has 6 ways from Sunday to get you" Schumer's embedded bureaucrats and co conspirator Blue Skid Mark @whca are intent on destroying America.
I truly hope the pool has gotten so small that the traitor is swiftly found and perp-walked.
How many ways can you say hoax . . .
See the same democrat HOAX media claims US intelligence community is incompetent. It's not good enough to just claim the President is a traitor, but announce to the world we aren't to be trusted and they're totally cool putting US military in danger.
Honestly, the democrat media are striking in their ineptitude
The same intelligence community @RichardGrenell assured us wanted to protect and defend the United States we are now to believe would put US soldiers, our sons and daughter's life at risk. Not buying it at all.
THIS is a GREAT DAY for America, our President and General Flynn.
lol . . . sit down NanChuck. The 'Intelligence Has 'Six Ways From Sunday Of Getting Back At You' scam is over.
Congratulations America ❤️🇺🇸🏛️⚖️ Head Freak of the basement bunker hardest hit!
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